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Django Interview Questions and Answers

Question: Describe the Django architecture.

Django follows the Model-View-Template(MVT) architecture based on a popular Model-View-Controller(MVC) architectural pattern, which is followed by popular web-frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Laravel etc.

Django’s Model-View-Template architecture divides the complete application into three major logical components:

  1. Model 
  2. View
  3. Template

All these three components are responsible for handling the different aspects of the web application.

ModelThe models handle the database schema for the web applications. It maintains and represents the complete application data into the database. The default relational database used by the model is SQLite which is generally used in development, but in production we can use the MySQL and Postgres.

ViewThe view component manages all the logic of the application that we want to render on the user’s browser. In Django, the view acts as a bridge between the models and the templates. In the views, we can fetch the data from the models and render it on the template.

TemplateThe template component is the collection of static parts of the application such as the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Image files. The view uses the template as the base on which the data should be presented, because at the end, the web-application uses the static files to represent the content on the user browser.

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