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Oracle JET(OJET) Interview Questions and Answers

Question: What's Included in Oracle JET (OJET)?

The Oracle JET zip distribution includes Oracle JET libraries and all third party libraries that the toolkit uses.

Specifically, Oracle JET includes the following files and libraries:

  • CSS and CSS files for the Redwood theme

  • Minified and debug versions of the Oracle JET libraries

  • Data Visualization Tools (DVT) CSS and JavaScript

  • Knockout and Knockout Mapping libraries

  • jQuery libraries

  • RequireJS, RequireJS text plugin, and RequireJS CSS plugin

  • js-signals

  • es6-promise polyfill

  • Hammer.js

    Oracle JET components use Hammer.js internally for gesture support. Do not add to Oracle JET components or their associated DOM nodes.

  • Oracle JET dnd-polyfill HTML5 drag and drop polyfill

  • proj4js library

  • webcomponentsjs polyfill

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