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ANT Interview Questions and Answers

Question: Explain JSON with php.
Answer: Json is too much easy with php There is no installation needed to use these functions; they are part of the PHP core. nothing more need to know just only use { ,[ and create json format string and use three php function json_encode() to get JSON representation of a value, json_decode() for Decodes a JSON string, Šjson_last_error() to get the last error occurred in process.

"firstName": "Rohit",
"lastName": "Singh",
"age": 26,
"address": {
"streetAddress": "Mira Road Thane ",
"city": "Mumbai",
"state": "maharshtra",
"postalCode": "401107"
"phoneNumber": [
{ "type": "home", "number": "022 333-1234" },
{ "type": "fax", "number": "022 444-4567" }

$decodeString = json_decode($string);
echo 'First Name - '.$decode->{"firstName"};
echo 'Last Name - '.$decode->{"lastName"};
echo 'Address - '.$decode->{"address"}->{"streetAddress"};

Out put : Print below

First Name - Rohit
Last Name - Singh
Address - Mira Road Thane
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