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Ques 56. Explain HLD (High-Level Design).

It refers to the general design of the system. It describes the application's overall description and architecture. It includes a system architecture description, database design, a brief overview of systems, services, platforms, and module relationships. From the primary module to all submodules, it creates the overall architecture of the system. Architects will provide the High-Level Design in order to begin the development process. This is quite helpful for developers in comprehending the system's flow.

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Ques 57. Explain LLD (Low-Level Design).

LLD (Low-LevelLevel Design) is a term that refers to the process of detailing. It provides a full description of each module, including actual logic for each system component and a thorough examination of each module's specifications. Every program undergoes logic design, which is subsequently recorded as program specifications. A unit test plan is prepared for each software. The micro-level or intricate design is another name for it. After the High-Level Design, the Low-Level Design is created.

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Ques 58. What is the use of JAD session?

JAD is a strategy for defining business system requirements that are commonly utilized in the early phases of a systems development project. JAD's goal is to bring MIS and end-users together in a structured workshop setting in order to extract outcome system needs. It allows clients and developers to swiftly agree on a project's fundamental scope, objectives, and specifications.

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Ques 59. What is the Software release process?

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) release phase is historically connected with production, deployment, and post-production operations, which generally include software maintenance and support. So, release management is the process of managing, planning, scheduling, and controlling a full software development at every stage and environment, including testing and releasing software releases.

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Ques 60. What is Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) document?

This document captures the user's voice from the outside or the end user's perspective. A Business System Analyst creates it (BSA). This paper demonstrates how a system will react when a user interacts with it in order to meet the BRD and SRD standards. The key area of interest for software experts is the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS). An FRS is useful for software testers to learn the situations in which the product is intended to be tested, just as it is for developers to understand what product they are planning to produce. An FRS's ultimate purpose is to meet all of the requirements outlined in the SRS and BRS regulations.

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