Test your skills through the online practice test: JavaScript Quiz Online Practice Test

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Ques 36. Are you concerned that older browsers don't support JavaScript and thus exclude a set of Web users or individual users?

Fragmentation of the installed base of browsers will only get worse. By definition, it can never improve unless absolutely everyone on the planet threw away their old browsers and upgraded to the latest gee-whiz versions. But even then, there are plenty of discrepancies between the scriptability of the latest Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
The situation makes scripting a challenge, especially for newcomers who may not be aware of the limitations of earlier browsers. A lot of effort in my books and ancillary material goes toward helping scripters know what features work in which browsers and how to either workaround limitations in earlier browsers or raise the compatibility common denominator.
Designing scripts for a Web site requires making some hard decisions about if, when, and how to implement the advantages scripting offers a page to your audience. For public Web sites, I recommend using scripting in an additive way: let sufficient content stand on its own, but let scriptable browser users receive an enhanced experience, preferably with the same HTML document.

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Ques 37. What does isNaN function do?

Return true if the argument is not a number.

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Ques 38. Methods GET and POST in HTML forms - what's the difference?

GET: Parameters are passed in the querystring. Maximum amount of data that can be sent via the GET method is limited to about 2kb.
POST: Parameters are passed in the request body. There is no limit to the amount of data that can be transferred using POST. However, there are limits on the maximum amount of data that can be transferred in one name/value pair.

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Ques 39. How to write a script for "Select" lists using javascript?

1. To remove an item from a list set it to null
mySelectObject.options[3] = null;
2. To truncate a list set its length to the maximum size you desire
mySelectObject.length = 2;
3. To delete all options in a select object set the length to 0.

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Ques 40. What does the "Access is Denied" IE error mean?

The "Access Denied" error in any browser is due to the following reason.
A javascript in one window or frame is tries to access another window or frame whose document's domain is different from the document containing the script.

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