First version of EJB. Main Features in EJB
- EJB architecture is inherently transactional,distributed,portable,multi tier and secure.
- EJB components are serverside components written entirely in the java.
- EJB components contain business logic only no system level programing.
- System level services such as transactions,security,Life cycle,threading,persistence,etc are automatically managed by the EJB Component by the EJB server.
- EJB architecture is wire-protocol neutral Any protocol can be utilized:HTTP,IIOP,DCOM etc. | Added Features:
- New CMP Model. It is based on a new contract called the abstract persistence schema, that will allow to the container to handle the persistence automatically at runtime.
- EJB Query Language. It is a sql-based language that will allow the new persistence schema to implement and execute finder methods.
- Local interfaces. These are beans that can be used locally, that means by the same Java Virtual Machines, so they do not requires to be wrapped like remote beans, and arguments between those interfaces are passed directly.
- ejbHome methods. Entity beans can declare ejbHome methods that perform operations related to the EJB component but that are not specific to a bean instance.
- Message Driven Beans (MDB). Is a completely new enterprise bean type, that is designed specifically to handle incoming JMS messages. |