Golang Interview Questions and Answers
Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers
Ques 1. What is Golang?
Golang, also known as Go, is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed for simplicity and efficiency.
Ques 2. What is the purpose of the 'init' function in Go?
The 'init' function is used to perform one-time initialization tasks, and it is executed automatically before the 'main' function.
Ques 3. What is the difference between slices and arrays in Go?
Arrays have a fixed size, while slices are dynamically sized and more flexible. Slices are built on top of arrays and provide more functionality.
Ques 4. What is the purpose of the 'defer' keyword in Go?
The 'defer' keyword is used to schedule a function call to be run after the surrounding function completes. It is often used for tasks like cleanup operations.
Ques 5. Explain the difference between a pointer and a value in Go.
A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. It allows indirect access to the value stored in that memory address. A value is the actual data stored in a variable.
Ques 6. What is the purpose of the 'new' keyword in Go?
The 'new' keyword in Go is used to allocate memory for a new variable or object. It returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory.
Ques 7. How does error handling work in Go?
In Go, errors are values. Functions return an error value to indicate success or failure. It's a common practice to check for errors explicitly, making the code more robust.
Ques 8. What is the purpose of the 'defer' statement in Go?
The 'defer' statement is used to ensure that a function call is performed later in a program's execution, usually for purposes such as cleanup or releasing resources.
Ques 9. Explain the difference between 'map' and 'slice' in Go.
A 'map' in Go is an unordered collection of key-value pairs, while a 'slice' is an ordered sequence of elements. Maps are used for lookups based on keys, while slices are used for ordered data.
Ques 10. What is the difference between a 'slice' and an 'array' in Go?
Arrays have a fixed size defined at compile-time, while slices are dynamic and can change in size during runtime. Slices are built on top of arrays and offer more flexibility.
Ques 11. What is the purpose of the 'range' keyword in Go?
The 'range' keyword is used in for loops to iterate over items in an array, slice, map, channel, or string. It simplifies the code for iterating over elements.
Ques 12. Explain the concept of anonymous functions in Go.
Anonymous functions, also known as function literals, are functions without a name. They can be defined and invoked inline, making them useful for short-lived and one-time-use functions.
Ques 13. What is the 'nil' value in Go, and how is it used?
'nil' is a predeclared identifier in Go representing the zero value for pointers, channels, maps, slices, and functions. It is used to represent the absence of a value or a zero value for certain types.
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