Golang Interview Questions and Answers
Intermediate / 1 to 5 years experienced level questions & answers
Ques 1. Explain Goroutines in Go.
Goroutines are lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime. They are used for concurrent programming and are more efficient than traditional threads.
Ques 2. What is the difference between defer and panic in Go?
Defer is used to schedule a function call to be run after the function completes. Panic is used to terminate a function if it encounters an unrecoverable error.
Ques 3. Explain Channels in Go and how they facilitate communication between goroutines.
Channels are a way for goroutines to communicate with each other and synchronize their execution. They provide a means to send and receive data between goroutines.
Ques 4. Explain the purpose of the 'select' statement in Go.
The 'select' statement is used to wait on multiple communication operations, allowing a goroutine to proceed with the first communication that is ready.
Ques 5. How does Go support concurrent programming?
Go supports concurrent programming through goroutines, channels, and the 'go' keyword. Goroutines are lightweight threads that run concurrently, and channels facilitate communication between them.
Ques 6. Explain the concept of interfaces in Go.
Interfaces define a set of methods that a type must implement to be considered as implementing the interface. It allows polymorphism in Go by enabling the use of different types that satisfy the same interface.
Ques 7. What is a closure in Go?
A closure in Go is a function value that references variables from outside its body. It 'closes over' those variables, allowing the function to access them even when it is called outside the scope where they were defined.
Ques 8. Explain the purpose of the 'context' package in Go.
The 'context' package in Go is used for carrying deadlines, cancellations, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
Ques 9. How does Go support testing?
Go has a built-in testing package ('testing') that provides a testing framework. Tests are written in separate files with the '_test.go' suffix, and the 'go test' command is used to run tests.
Ques 10. What is the purpose of the 'sync' package in Go?
The 'sync' package in Go provides a set of primitives for managing synchronization between goroutines. It includes Mutexes, WaitGroups, and other constructs for safe concurrent programming.
Ques 11. Explain the concept of defer chaining in Go.
In Go, multiple 'defer' statements can be stacked or chained together. They are executed in the reverse order of their appearance, meaning the last 'defer' statement is executed first.
Ques 12. How does Go handle race conditions?
Go uses the 'sync' package and the 'mutex' (Mutual Exclusion) concept to handle race conditions. Mutexes ensure that only one goroutine can access a shared resource at a time.
Ques 13. Explain the purpose of the 'sync.WaitGroup' in Go.
The 'sync.WaitGroup' is used to wait for a collection of goroutines to finish executing. It helps coordinate the execution of multiple goroutines and ensures they all complete before proceeding.
Ques 14. What is the difference between the 'make' and 'new' functions in Go?
'make' is used to create slices, maps, and channels, initializing and returning an initialized value. 'new' is used to allocate memory for a new value and returns a pointer to the zeroed value.
Ques 15. Explain the purpose of the 'context.Context' type in Go.
'context.Context' is used for passing deadlines, cancellations, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes. It helps manage the context of a request or operation.
Ques 16. What is the purpose of the 'panic' and 'recover' functions in Go?
'panic' is used to terminate a function abruptly, and 'recover' is used to regain control of a panicking goroutine. They are often used together for error handling in exceptional cases.
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