Appium Interview Questions and Answers
Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers
Ques 1. What is Appium?
Appium is an open-source automation tool for testing mobile applications on Android and iOS platforms.
Ques 2. How does Appium server communicate with mobile devices?
Appium uses the WebDriver protocol to communicate with mobile devices over the Appium server.
Ques 3. What are desired capabilities in Appium?
Desired capabilities are key-value pairs that provide information about the device and test settings to the Appium server.
{"platformName": "Android", "deviceName": "emulator-5554", "app": "/path/to/app.apk"}
Ques 4. How can you install Appium dependencies for Android?
You can use the Android SDK manager to install necessary dependencies like platform tools and system images.
Ques 5. How can you capture screenshots in Appium?
You can use the TakesScreenshot interface to capture screenshots in Appium.
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
Ques 6. What is the Appium Desktop?
Appium Desktop is a graphical frontend for Appium that provides a visual way to run Appium server, inspect elements, and run tests.
Ques 7. Explain the concept of Desired Capabilities in Appium.
Desired Capabilities are a set of key-value pairs used to provide information to the Appium server about the test session and the desired environment.
{"platformName": "iOS", "deviceName": "iPhone 11", "app": "/path/to/"}
Ques 8. What is the importance of the Appium Inspector?
Appium Inspector is a tool used for inspecting and recording UI elements in a mobile application. It helps in identifying locators for automation.
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