Yii Interview Questions and Answers
Ques 1. What is Yii?
Yii is a high-performance PHP framework for developing web applications.
// Yii::app()->run();
Ques 2. Explain MVC architecture in Yii.
Yii follows the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern where the model represents the data, the view displays the data, and the controller handles user input and updates the model and view.
// class PostController extends CController { }
Ques 3. What is Yii's ActiveRecord?
Yii's ActiveRecord is an implementation of the Active Record pattern, providing an object-oriented interface for interacting with database tables.
// $post = new Post; $post->title = 'New Post'; $post->save();
Ques 4. Explain Yii's Gii tool.
Gii is a web-based code generation tool provided by Yii that helps in quickly generating code for models, controllers, forms, and more.
Ques 5. What is Yii's widget?
Widgets in Yii are reusable components that can be embedded in views or layouts to encapsulate complex UI functionality.
// Yii::app()->widget('application.widgets.MyWidget', array('param'=>'value'));
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