Splunk Interview Questions and Answers
Ques 1. What is Splunk and how does it work?
Splunk is a software platform used for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data. It works by ingesting data, indexing it, and providing a search interface for users.
Splunk can be used to analyze log files, monitor server performance, and gain insights from various data sources.
Ques 2. Explain the difference between a search head and an indexer in Splunk.
A search head is responsible for searching and visualizing data, while an indexer is responsible for indexing and storing data. In a distributed Splunk environment, these roles can be separate.
When a user executes a search in Splunk, the search head sends the request to the indexer, which then retrieves the relevant data and sends it back to the search head for display.
Ques 3. What is the purpose of the Splunk forwarder?
Splunk forwarders are used to forward data from various sources to the Splunk indexer. They collect and forward machine data to be indexed and searched.
A Splunk forwarder installed on a web server can forward access logs to the Splunk indexer for analysis.
Ques 4. How do you create a dashboard in Splunk?
Dashboards in Splunk are created using the Splunk Web interface. Users can add panels, visualizations, and searches to create a customized dashboard.
To create a dashboard showing server performance, add panels with line charts for CPU usage, memory usage, and network activity.
Ques 5. Explain the concept of sourcetype in Splunk.
Sourcetype is a metadata attribute in Splunk that defines the format of the data. It helps Splunk understand how to index and extract fields from the incoming data.
If you have log data from a firewall, you might set the sourcetype to 'firewall_logs' to ensure proper indexing and field extraction.
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