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Django Interview Questions and Answers

Test your skills through the online practice test: Django Quiz Online Practice Test

Ques 1. What is Django?

Django is an open-source web development framework based on the Python language, allowing Python developers to create database-driven websites. It was introduced in 2003 at the Lawrence journal-world newspaper. This popular framework is maintained by a non-profit organization named Django Software Foundation (DSF). Later, in 2005, Django was made available publicly under the 3-clause BSD license.

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Ques 2. How to create a Django project?

Step 1: Create a project
django-admin startproject hello_world_project

Step 2: Change directory to hello_world_project

cd hello_world_project

Step 3: Create a new file and write the function view for hello world

from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse 
#hello world view
def hello_world(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello World")

Step 4: Edit the file to route the url for hello world view
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from .views import hello_world
urlpatterns = [
    path('', hello_world, name="hello-world")

Step 4: Run the server using python runserver command

python runserver

The above steps are the simplest way to write a hello world program in Django. 

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Ques 3. What are the advantages of Django?

Most developers prefer Django due to its dominance in the market, as it shows high computational and statistical capabilities. The following are some of the advantages of Django:

  • Django follows Python’s ‘batteries included’ trait. Python is generally referred to as ‘batteries included’ because it has a unified standard library, helping developers use readymade packages to add features to a web project. 
  • Most of the packages in Python’s standard library are open-source. With these packages, you can even implement authentication, admin interfacing, session management, and other advanced functionalities. 
  • Python and Django are core technologies in IT giants, the Internet of Things (IoT), and blue chip companies. Therefore, learning it would help you establish a lucrative career. 


  • Security is yet another advantage of using the Django framework. Applications developed on Django are protected against SQL injection, clickjacking, XSS and CSRF attacks, etc.
  • The built-in template language of Django promotes the process of building applications. 
  • Django enables developers to create applications and configure frameworks on the go. Also, it offers support for external libraries and packages. Django focuses on explicit programming, allowing the developers to create applications that require frequent changes.
  • It helps in faster development and is thus used by most companies. If the configuration is correct, then you can use Django for optimizing web applications.
  • Django has a REST framework, a python library, that helps develop APIs for many applications. Using these APIs, you can add advanced functionalities to your applications.
  • Django comes with ML capabilities and libraries such as PyTorch, NumPy, etc.

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Ques 4. What are the disadvantages of Django?

Despite many advantages, developers still find it challenging to make the transition. The following are some disadvantages of using the Django framework:

  • Django lacks conventions that can be followed by developers for web development.
  • It is not ideal for smaller projects having fewer requirements because it has a vast structure and heavy functionalities 
  • The Django framework is monolithic, i.e., developers have to work on the given patterns

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Ques 5. What are the different applications of Django?

Below are some types of projects that you can create using the Django framework:

  • Financial platforms with various features, such as analyzing and calculating output based on the data
  • Customized CRM system for the internal data
  • B2B CRM system, helping you handle the communications within an organization
  • Shopping websites
  • Real-estate property evaluation system
  • System for managing documents
  • Creating an emailing system for sending notifications
  • Verification system based on photos
  • Platforms for managing investment funds

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