Test your skills through the online practice test: Microsoft Excel Quiz Online Practice Test

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Ques 16. What is the AND function does in excel?

Like IF function, AND function also does the logical function. To check whether the output will be true or false the AND function will evaluate at least one mathematical expression located in another cell in the spreadsheet. If you want to see the final result or output of more than one cells in single cell it is possible by using AND function.

Example: If you have two cells, A1 and A2, and the value you put in those two cells are >5 and you want result should display as ‘TRUE’ in cell B1 if value>5,   and ‘False’ if any of those values<5. You can use AND function to do that.

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Ques 17. How you can disable the automating sorting in pivot tables?

To disable the automating sorting in pivot tables,

Go to >  “More Sort Options”> Right Click  “Pivot table” > Select “Sort” menu > Select  “ More Options” >  Deselect the “ Sort automatically when the report is created”.

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Ques 18. What is the "What If" condition in excel formulas?

The “What If” condition is used to change the data in Microsoft excel formulas to give different answers.

Example: You are buying a new car and want to calculate the exact amount of tax that will be levied on it then you can use the “What If” function.  For instance there is three cells A4,B4 and C4. First cell says about the amount, second cell will tell about the percentage (7.5%)  of tax and final cell will calculate the exact amount of tax.

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Ques 19. What is the benefit of using formula in excel sheet?

Calculating the numbers in excel sheet, not only help you to give the final ‘sum up’ of the number but, it also calculate automatically the number replaced by another number or digit.  Through excel sheet, the complex calculations becomes easy like payroll deduction or averaging the student’s result.

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Ques 20. What is the quick way to return to a specific area of a worksheet?

The quick way to return to a specific area of worksheet is by using name box.  You can type the cell address or range name in name box to return to a specific area of a worksheet.

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