Shell Scripting Interview Questions and Answers
Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers
Ques 1. What is a shebang line in a shell script?
A shebang line is a special comment that specifies the path to the interpreter for the script.
Ques 2. How do you comment out multiple lines in a shell script?
You can use the `: ' comment ' :` syntax to comment out multiple lines.
Ques 3. Explain the use of the `shift` command in a shell script.
The `shift` command is used to shift the positional parameters to the left.
Ques 4. How can you check if a file exists in a shell script?
You can use the `test` command or the `[ -e file ]` syntax to check if a file exists.
Ques 5. How do you read input from the user in a shell script?
You can use the `read` command to read input from the user.
Ques 6. Explain the use of the `grep` command in shell scripting.
The `grep` command is used to search for a pattern in text files.
Ques 7. How do you use the `for` loop in a shell script?
The `for` loop is used to iterate over a sequence of values or elements.
Ques 8. Explain the purpose of the `case` statement in a shell script.
The `case` statement is used for multiple-choice decision-making in a shell script.
Ques 9. What is the purpose of the `basename` command in shell scripting?
The `basename` command is used to strip directory and suffix from filenames.
Ques 10. How can you check the status of the last command in a shell script?
You can use the `$?` variable to check the exit status of the last command.
Ques 11. What is the purpose of the `export` command in shell scripting?
The `export` command is used to make environment variables available to child processes.
Ques 12. How do you use the `while` loop in a shell script?
The `while` loop is used to repeatedly execute a block of statements as long as a condition is true.
Ques 13. How do you check if a variable is set in a shell script?
You can use the `isset` or `[ -z $var ]` syntax to check if a variable is set.
Ques 14. Explain the use of the `dirname` command in shell scripting.
The `dirname` command is used to extract the directory component of a pathname.
Ques 15. How can you find the length of a string in a shell script?
You can use the `expr length $string` or `${#string}` syntax to find the length of a string.
Ques 16. What is the purpose of the `printf` command in shell scripting?
The `printf` command is used for formatted printing in shell scripts.
Ques 17. How do you use arithmetic operations in a shell script?
You can use the `expr` command or $((expression)) syntax for arithmetic operations.
Ques 18. How do you check if a directory exists in a shell script?
You can use the `test` command or `[ -d directory ]` syntax to check if a directory exists.
Ques 19. What is the purpose of the `shift` command in a shell script?
The `shift` command is used to shift the positional parameters to the left.
Ques 20. How do you use the `case` statement in a shell script?
The `case` statement is used for multiple-choice decision-making in a shell script.
Ques 21. What is the purpose of the `continue` statement in a shell script?
The `continue` statement is used to skip the rest of a loop's code and start the next iteration.
Ques 22. Explain the use of the `grep` command in shell scripting.
The `grep` command is used to search for a pattern in text files.
Ques 23. What is the purpose of the `echo` command in shell scripting?
The `echo` command is used to print messages or variables to the standard output.
Ques 24. Explain the use of the `case` statement in a shell script.
The `case` statement is used for multiple-choice decision-making in a shell script.
Ques 25. How do you use command substitution in a shell script?
Command substitution allows the output of a command to replace the command itself, and it can be done using `$(command)`.
Ques 26. Explain the use of the `test` command in shell scripting.
The `test` command is used to evaluate expressions and conditions in shell scripts.
Ques 27. What is the purpose of the `dirname` command in shell scripting?
The `dirname` command is used to extract the directory component of a pathname.
Ques 28. How do you use the `if` statement in a shell script?
The `if` statement is used for conditional execution in a shell script.
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