Microsoft .NET Interview Questions and Answers
Experienced / Expert level questions & answers
Ques 1. .NET Stands for?
Ques 2. What is the default accessibility for members of a struct?
Ques 3. Can the members of an interface be private?
Ques 4. A class can have many mains, how does this work?
Only one of them is run, that is the one marked (public) static, e.g:
public static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Add code to start application here
private void Main(string[] args, int i)
Ques 5. What are the two return types for main?
void and int
Ques 6. What is an out parameter?
An out parameter allows an instance of a parameter object to be made inside a method.
Reference parameters must be initialised but out gives a reference to an uninstanciated
Ques 7. Write code to show how a method can accept a varying number of parameters.
using System;
namespace Console1
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
static void ParamsMethod(params object[] list)
foreach (object o in list)
Ques 8. Can you use access modifiers with destructors?
Ques 9. What is a delegate useful for?
The main reason we use delegates is for use in event driven programming.
Ques 10. Are events synchronous of asynchronous?
Ques 11. Events use a publisher/subscriber model. What is that?
Objects publish events to which other applications subscribe. When the publisher raises
an event all subscribers to that event are notified.
Ques 12. Can a subscriber subscribe to more than one publisher?
Yes, also - here's some code for a publisher with multiple subscribers.
using System;
namespace Console1
class Class1
delegate void myDelegate(int parameter1);
static event myDelegate myEvent;
static void AStaticMethod(int param1)
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass myInstance = new MyClass();
myEvent += new myDelegate(myInstance.AMethod);
myEvent += new myDelegate(AStaticMethod);
myEvent(1); //both functions will be run.
class MyClass
public void AMethod(int param1)
Another example:
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace EventExample
public class Clock
public delegate void TwoSecondsPassedHandler(object clockInstance,
TimeEventArgs time);
//The clock publishes an event that others subscribe to
public event TwoSecondsPassedHandler TwoSecondsPassed;
public void Start()
//Raise event
TwoSecondsPassed(this, new TimeEventArgs(1));
public class TimeEventArgs : EventArgs
public TimeEventArgs(int second)
seconds += second;
instanceSeconds = seconds;
private static int seconds;
public int instanceSeconds;
public class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
Clock cl = new Clock();
// add some subscribers
cl.TwoSecondsPassed += new
cl.TwoSecondsPassed += new
public static void Subscriber1(object clockInstance, TimeEventArgs time)
Console.WriteLine("Subscriber1:" + time.instanceSeconds);
public static void Subscriber2(object clockInstance, TimeEventArgs time)
Console.WriteLine("Subscriber2:" + time.instanceSeconds);
Ques 13. Is a struct stored on the heap or stack?
Ques 14. Can C# have global overflow checking?
Ques 15. What is explicit vs. implicit conversion?
When converting from a smaller numeric type into a larger one the cast is implicit. An
example of when an explicit cast is needed is when a value may be truncated.
Ques 16. What doe the stackalloc operator do?
Allocate a block of memory on the stack (used in unsafe mode).
Most helpful rated by users:
- Name 10 C# keywords.
- What is public accessibility?
- .NET Stands for?
- What is private accessibility?
- What is protected accessibility?
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