Entity Framework Interview Questions and Answers
Experienced / Expert level questions & answers
Ques 1. Explain the Code First Conventions in Entity Framework.
Code First Conventions are a set of rules that automatically configure the database schema based on the shape of your entity classes and their relationships.
Ques 2. What is the purpose of the Fluent API in Entity Framework?
The Fluent API is an alternative to the Data Annotations for configuring the model in Entity Framework. It provides a more programmatic way to configure the database schema.
Ques 3. Explain the purpose of the InverseProperty attribute in Entity Framework.
The InverseProperty attribute is used to specify the inverse navigation property in a relationship when the default convention is not followed.
Ques 4. Explain the purpose of the Database.Log property in Entity Framework.
The Database.Log property is used to log SQL statements and other information related to database operations. It can be useful for debugging and performance tuning.
context.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine;
Ques 5. What is the purpose of the [ConcurrencyCheck] attribute in Entity Framework?
The [ConcurrencyCheck] attribute is used to specify that a property should be included in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement to check for concurrency conflicts.
[ConcurrencyCheck] public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }
Ques 6. What is the purpose of the AsSplitQuery method in Entity Framework?
The AsSplitQuery method is used to enable split queries for a LINQ query, allowing EF to generate separate SQL queries for different parts of the LINQ query.
Ques 7. Explain the purpose of the AsNoFilter method in Entity Framework.
The AsNoFilter method is used to disable query filters defined in the model, allowing you to retrieve entities without applying those filters.
Ques 8. What is the purpose of the Keyless attribute in Entity Framework?
The Keyless attribute is used to specify that an entity type does not have a primary key, and it is used for query types that represent database views or tables without primary keys.
[Keyless] public class MyQueryType { /* properties */ }
Ques 9. What is the purpose of the Entry.StateChanged event in Entity Framework?
The Entry.StateChanged event is triggered when the state of an entity being tracked by the context changes. It can be used for implementing custom logic based on entity state changes.
entry.StateChanged += (sender, e) => { /* custom logic */ };
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