Appium Interview Questions and Answers
Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers
Ques 1. What is Appium?
Appium is an open-source automation tool for testing mobile applications on Android and iOS platforms.
Ques 2. How does Appium server communicate with mobile devices?
Appium uses the WebDriver protocol to communicate with mobile devices over the Appium server.
Ques 3. What are desired capabilities in Appium?
Desired capabilities are key-value pairs that provide information about the device and test settings to the Appium server.
{"platformName": "Android", "deviceName": "emulator-5554", "app": "/path/to/app.apk"}
Ques 4. How can you install Appium dependencies for Android?
You can use the Android SDK manager to install necessary dependencies like platform tools and system images.
Ques 5. How can you capture screenshots in Appium?
You can use the TakesScreenshot interface to capture screenshots in Appium.
File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
Ques 6. What is the Appium Desktop?
Appium Desktop is a graphical frontend for Appium that provides a visual way to run Appium server, inspect elements, and run tests.
Ques 7. Explain the concept of Desired Capabilities in Appium.
Desired Capabilities are a set of key-value pairs used to provide information to the Appium server about the test session and the desired environment.
{"platformName": "iOS", "deviceName": "iPhone 11", "app": "/path/to/"}
Ques 8. What is the importance of the Appium Inspector?
Appium Inspector is a tool used for inspecting and recording UI elements in a mobile application. It helps in identifying locators for automation.
Intermediate / 1 to 5 years experienced level questions & answers
Ques 9. Explain the difference between Appium and Selenium.
Appium is designed to test mobile applications, while Selenium is used for web applications.
Ques 10. Explain the difference between Xpath and Accessibility ID in Appium.
Xpath is a location strategy based on the XML path of elements, while Accessibility ID is a unique identifier for elements.
Ques 11. What is the Appium Inspector?
Appium Inspector is a graphical user interface tool that helps in inspecting and recording elements in a mobile application.
Ques 12. How do you handle mobile gestures in Appium?
Appium provides methods like tap, swipe, pinch, etc., to handle mobile gestures.
new TouchAction(driver).tap(element).perform();
Ques 13. What is the Appium Architecture?
Appium follows a client-server architecture where the Appium server is the middleware that connects the client (test script) to the mobile device.
Ques 14. How do you handle hybrid mobile applications in Appium?
For hybrid apps, you can use a combination of native and web context switching using the context method.
Ques 15. Explain the concept of Implicit and Explicit Waits in Appium.
Implicit waits instruct Appium to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing an exception, while explicit waits are used for specific conditions.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
Ques 16. What is the difference between UIAutomator and UIAutomator2 in Appium?
UIAutomator is used for Android versions up to 4.3, while UIAutomator2 is used for Android versions 4.4 and above.
Ques 17. Explain the concept of XPath and its types in Appium.
XPath is a language used to navigate XML documents. In Appium, XPath can be absolute or relative.
Ques 18. How can you handle alerts and pop-ups in Appium?
Appium provides the Alert interface to handle alerts, and you can use the accept() and dismiss() methods.
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); alert.accept();
Ques 19. How do you scroll in Appium for both Android and iOS?
You can use the scrollTo() method for Android and mobile:scroll for iOS to perform scrolling in Appium.
Ques 20. Explain the concept of Appium's session handling.
A session in Appium represents the lifecycle of a test. It starts when the Appium server receives a new session request and ends when the session is terminated.
Ques 21. What is Appium's locator strategy for finding elements?
Appium supports various locator strategies, including ID, name, class name, Xpath, and accessibility ID, to find elements in a mobile application.
Ques 22. Explain the concept of Appium's reset strategies.
Appium provides different reset strategies such as 'fullReset,' 'fastReset,' and 'noReset' to handle app installation and session cleanup.
Ques 23. What is Appium's support for parallel test execution?
Appium supports parallel test execution using test frameworks like TestNG or JUnit, where multiple test instances can run concurrently.
Ques 24. Explain the concept of Appium's WebDriverIO integration.
WebDriverIO is a JavaScript library for automation. Appium supports WebDriverIO integration for writing tests in JavaScript and executing them on Appium.
Experienced / Expert level questions & answers
Ques 25. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Appium?
POM is a design pattern that encourages organizing test code by representing pages as classes and interactions as methods.
Ques 26. Explain how to run parallel tests with Appium.
You can use test frameworks like TestNG or JUnit to run tests in parallel, and Appium server instances can be started on different ports.
Ques 27. How do you set up Appium for iOS testing?
For iOS testing, you need Xcode installed, a valid developer certificate, and Appium capabilities configured for the iOS device.
Ques 28. How can you inspect network requests in mobile app testing with Appium?
You can use tools like Charles Proxy or Appium's built-in capabilities to capture and inspect network requests during testing.
Ques 29. How do you handle dynamic elements in Appium?
You can use dynamic XPath or find elements based on other attributes that remain constant while the element's ID changes.
By.xpath("//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text, 'DynamicText')] ");
Ques 30. How do you automate gestures like swipe and pinch in Appium?
You can use the TouchAction class in Appium to perform gestures like swipe, pinch, and multi-touch actions.
new TouchAction(driver).press(x, y).moveTo(x, y).release().perform();
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