Next.js Interview Questions and Answers
Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers
Ques 1. What is Next.js?
Next.js is a React-based web framework that enables functionality such as server-side rendering and generating static websites for React-based web applications.
Ques 2. What is the purpose of the 'pages' directory in a Next.js project?
The 'pages' directory in a Next.js project contains React components that represent the pages of the application. Each file in this directory becomes a route in the application.
Ques 3. What is the purpose of the '_app.js' file in Next.js?
The '_app.js' file in Next.js is used to customize the default 'App' component. It is commonly used for persisting layout between pages.
Ques 4. Explain the purpose of the 'public' directory in Next.js.
The 'public' directory in Next.js is used for serving static assets like images, fonts, and other files. Contents of this directory are served at the root level of the application.
Ques 5. Explain the purpose of the 'Link' component in Next.js.
The 'Link' component in Next.js is used for client-side navigation between pages, providing a smoother user experience compared to traditional anchor tags.
Ques 6. What is the purpose of the 'next/head' component in Next.js?
The 'next/head' component is used to modify the head of the document, allowing you to add custom elements such as meta tags, title, and stylesheets.
Ques 7. What is the purpose of the '404.js' file in the 'pages' directory?
The '404.js' file in the 'pages' directory is a custom 404 error page. It allows you to define a React component that will be displayed when a user accesses a non-existent route.
Ques 8. Explain the concept of 'Global CSS' in Next.js.
Global CSS in Next.js refers to styles that are applied globally across all components. It can be achieved by importing a CSS file into the 'pages/_app.js' file.
Ques 9. What is the purpose of the 'ErrorBoundary' component in Next.js?
The 'ErrorBoundary' component in Next.js is used to catch JavaScript errors anywhere in the component tree and log those errors, preventing the entire application from crashing.
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