BGP Interview Questions and Answers
Experienced / Expert level questions & answers
Ques 1. What is BGP route dampening?
BGP route dampening is a mechanism to minimize the impact of route flapping by penalizing unstable routes and suppressing them for a certain period.
Ques 2. Explain BGP route reflectors.
BGP route reflectors are used in iBGP to reduce the number of peer connections and simplify the iBGP mesh by allowing certain routers to reflect routes to others.
Ques 3. Explain BGP add-path feature.
BGP add-path allows a BGP router to advertise multiple paths for the same prefix, improving path diversity and redundancy in the network.
Ques 4. Explain the BGP best path selection process.
BGP best path selection process involves evaluating various attributes, such as weight, local preference, AS_PATH, origin, MED, and the router ID, to determine the best route for a destination.
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