JAXB Interview Questions and Answers
Freshers / Beginner level questions & answers
Ques 1. What Is XML Binding?
Maps XML to in-memory objects according to a schema. Generates classes to represent XML elements so developers don't have to write them the binding compiler does this the classes follow JavaBeans property access conventions. Supports three primary operations:
- Marshalling a tree of objects into an XML document
- Unmarshalling an XML document into a tree of objects
- Includes validation of the XML against the schema
Ques 2. What is XML Binding Relationships?
The relationships between the components involved in XML binding (data binding) are shown below:
- Schema generates classes.
- Objects are instanceof classes.
- Marshal from objects to XML.
- Unmarshall from XML to objects.
- XML validates and conforms to Schema.
Ques 3. Why Use XML Binding?
- It's not necessary. Everything that must be done with XML can be done with SAX and DOM.
- It's easier, don't have to write as much code, don't have to learn SAX and/or DOM.
- It's less error-prone, all the features of the schema are utilized, don't have to remember to manually implement them.
- It can allow customization of the XML structure unlike XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder in the java.beans package.
Ques 4. Please explain JAXB Use Cases.
- Create/Read/Modify XML using Java but without using SAX or DOM.
- Validate user input using rules described in XML Schemas.
- Use XML-based configuration files, access their values, write tools that creates and modifies these files.
Ques 5. What are the goals of JAXB?
- Easy to use require minimal XML knowledge, don't require SAX/DOM knowledge.
- Customizable can customize mapping of XML to Java.
- Portable can change JAXB implementation without changing source code.
- Deliver soon, deliver core functionality ASAP.
- Follow standard design and naming conventions in generated Java.
- Match schema, easy to identify generated Java components that correspond to schema features.
- Hide plumbing encapsulate implementation of unmarshalling, marshalling and validation.
- Validation, on demand validate objects without requiring marshalling.
- Preserve object equivalence (round tripping), marshalling objects to XML and unmarshalling back to objects results in equivalent objects.
Ques 6. What are the disadvantages/non-goals of JAXB?
• Standardize generated Java
– classes generated by different
JAXB implementations may not be
compatible with each other
• Preserve XML equivalence
– unmarshalling XML to objects and
marshalling back to XML may not
result in equivalent XML
• Bind existing JavaBeans
to schemas
– can only marshal and unmarshal
classes generated by JAXB
– may be added later
• Schema evolution support
– can’ t modify previously generated
code to support schema changes
– must generated new code
• Allow generated Java to access
XML elements/attributes not
described in initial schema
• Partial binding
– unmarshalling only a subset
of an XML document
breaks round tripping
• Implement every feature of the
schema language
– it’ s tough to implement
all of XML Schema!
• Support DTDs
– focusing on XML Schema
– DTDs were supported in an earlier
version, but won’ t be anymore
– tools for converting DTDs to
XML Schemas exist
Ques 7. Give me an example of XSD.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<xs:complexType name="car">
<xs:element name="make" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="model" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="color" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="year" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="cars">
<xs:element name="car" type="car" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Ques 8. Give me an example of XML document.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cars xmlns="http://www.withoutbook.com/cars"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.withoutbook.com/cars cars.xsd">
<car year="2001">
<car year="2001">
<car year="1997">
Ques 9. How to generate Java from XML Schema. Please show the example.
• From command-line
– Windows: %JAXB_HOME%binxjc cars.xsd
– UNIX: %JAXB_HOME%/bin/xjc.sh cars.xsd
– these write generated files to current directory
• From Ant
<java jar="${env.JAXB_HOME}/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar" fork="yes">
<arg line="-d ${gen.src.dir} cars.xsd"/>
Generated Files:
• com/withoutbook/cars directory
– Car.java
• interface representing the “car” complex type
• only describes get and set methods for car properties
– Cars.java
• interface representing “cars” global element
• extends CarsType and javax.xml.bind.Element (just a marker interface)
• describes no additional methods
– CarsType.java
• interface representing anonymous complex type
defined inside the “cars” global element
• provides method to get collection of Car objects (as a java.util.List)
– ObjectFactory.java
• class used to create objects of the above interface types
• extends DefaultJAXBContextImpl which extends JAXBContext
– bgm.ser
• a serialized object of type com.sun.msv.grammar.trex.TREXGrammar
• can’t find any documentation on this - don’t know its purpose
– jaxb.properties
• sets a property that defines the class used to create JAXBContext objects
• com/withoutbook/cars/impl directory
– CarImpl.java
• class that implements Car
• corresponds to the “car” XML Schema complexType
– CarsTypeImpl.java
• class that implements CarType
• corresponds to the XML Schema anonymous type inside the “cars” element
– CarsImpl.java
• class that extends CarsTypeImpl and implements Cars
• corresponds to the “cars” XML Schema element
Ques 10. How to unmarshall XML into Java objects? Convert from XML to Java objects.
• Example
ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
Unmarshaller u = factory.createUnmarshaller();
Cars cars = (Cars) u.unmarshal(new FileInputStream("cars.xml"));
• unmarshal method accepts
– java.io.File
– java.io.InputStream
– java.net.URL
– javax.xml.transform.Source
• related to XSLT
– org.w3c.dom.Node
• related to DOM
– org.xml.sax.InputSource
• related to SAX
• Other Unmarshaller methods
– void setValidating(boolean validating)
• true to enable validation during unmarshalling; false to disable (the default)
– boolean setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
• handleEvent method of ValidationEventHandler is called
if validation errors are encountered during unmarshalling
• default handler terminates marshalling after first error
• return true to continue unmarshalling
• return false to terminate with UnmarshalException
• see discussion of ValidationEventCollector later
Ques 11. Java code for marshalling Java objects into XML.
• Example
Marshaller m = factory.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
Writer fw = new FileWriter("newCars.xml");
m.marshal(cars, fw);
• marshal method accepts
– java.io.OutputStream
– java.io.Writer
– javax.xml.transform.Result
• related to XSLT
– org.w3c.dom.Node
• related to DOM
– org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
• related to SAX
• Other Marshaller methods
– boolean setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
• same as use with Unmarshaller, but validation events
are delivered during marshalling
– void setProperty(String name, Object value)
• supported properties are
– jaxb.encoding - value is a String
» the encoding to use when marshalling; defaults to “UTF-8”
– jaxb.formatted.output - value is a Boolean
» true to output line breaks and indentation; false to omit (the default)
– jaxb.schemaLocation - value is a String
» to specify xsi:schemaLocation attribute in generated XML
– jaxb.noNamespaceSchemaLocation - value is a String
» to specify xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute in generated XML
Ques 12. Java example/java program to set object for generating XML.
Cars cars = factory.createCars();
Car car = factory.createCar();
car = factory.createCar();
car.setModel("Mustang II");
Ques 13. How to validate java objects?
• The graph of Java objects can contain invalid data
– could occur when objects created by unmarshalling are modified
– could occur when objects are created from scratch
• Use a Validator to validate the objects
• Example
Validator v = factory.createValidator();
try {
} catch (ValidationException e) {
// Handle the validation error described by e.getMessage().
• Other Validator methods
– boolean setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
• handleEvent method of ValidationEventHandler is called
if validation errors are encountered
• default handler terminates marshalling after first error
• return true to continue validating
• return false to terminate with ValidationException
Pass an instance of javax.xml.bind.util.ValidationEventCollector
(in jaxb-api.jar) to setEventHandler to collect validation errors and
query them later instead of handling them during validation.
ValidationEventCollector vec =
new ValidationEventCollector();
ValidationEvent[] events = vec.getEvents();
Most helpful rated by users:
- What Is XML Binding?
- What is XML Binding Relationships?
- Please explain JAXB Use Cases.
- Why Use XML Binding?
- What are the goals of JAXB?