Microsoft Excel Interview Questions and Answers
Experienced / Expert level questions & answers
Ques 1. What are three report formats that are available in Excel?
- Compact
- Report
- Tabular
Ques 2. How would you provide a Dynamic range in "Data Source" of Pivot Tables in MS Excel?
To provide a dynamic range in “Data Source” of Pivot tables, first create a named range using offset function and base the pivot table using a named range created in the first step.
Ques 3. Is it possible to make Pivot table using multiple sources of data?
If the multiple sources are different worksheets, from same workbook, then it is possible to make Pivot table using multiple sources of data.
Ques 4. How cell reference is useful in the calculation?
In order to avoid writing the data again and again forcalculating purpose, cell reference is used. When you write any formula, for specific function, you need to direct excel the specific location of that data. This location is referred as, cell reference. So, every time a new value added to the cell, the cell will calculate according to the reference cell formula.
Ques 5. How you can disable the automating sorting in pivot tables?
To disable the automating sorting in pivot tables,
Go to > “More Sort Options”> Right Click “Pivot table” > Select “Sort” menu > Select “ More Options” > Deselect the “ Sort automatically when the report is created”.
Ques 6. What is the "What If" condition in excel formulas?
The “What If” condition is used to change the data in Microsoft excel formulas to give different answers.
Example: You are buying a new car and want to calculate the exact amount of tax that will be levied on it then you can use the “What If” function. For instance there is three cells A4,B4 and C4. First cell says about the amount, second cell will tell about the percentage (7.5%) of tax and final cell will calculate the exact amount of tax.
Ques 7. What filter will you use, if you want more than two conditions or if you want to analyse the list using database function?
You will use Advanced Criteria Filter, to analyse the list or if more than two conditions should be tested.
Ques 8. To move to the previous worksheet and to next sheet, what keys will you press?
To move to the previous worksheet you will use the keys Ctrl+PgUp, and to move to the next sheet you will use keys Ctrl+PgDown.
Ques 9. How do I put password to protect my entire Spreadsheet so data cannot be changed?
1. Click Tools
2. Scroll down to Protection, then Protect Sheet
3. Enter a password, Click OK
4. Re-enter password,
Click OK
Ques 10. What is Freeze Panes and how do I do it?
1. Row - Select the row below where you want the split to appear
2. Column - Select the column to the right of where you want the split to appear
3. Go to the Menu Bar
4. Click Windows
and then click Freeze Panes
Ques 11. What does a red triangle at the top right of a cell indicates?
A red triangle in the cell indicates the comment associated with the cell. If you place mouse on it, it will show the comment.
Ques 12. How do I combine different chart types into my Excel spreadsheet?
To combine chart types, follow these steps:
1. If the Chart toolbar isn't already displayed, right-click any Toolbar and select Chart.
2. On the chart, click the series you want to change.
3. On the Chart toolbar, click the arrow next to the Chart Type button and then select the new chart type for the series (in our example, a line chart).
Ques 13. What is IF function in excel?
To perform the logic test IF function is performed. It checks whether certain conditions is true or false. If the condition is true then it will give result accordingly if the condition is false then the result or out-put will be different.
Example: For example, you select the cell and you want to display that cell as “Greater than five”, when value is true (=5 or 5) and “less than five” when value is false( <5 ). For that by using IF condition you can display result.
=IF (Logical test, value if true, value if false)
=IF (A1>5, “Greater than five, “Less than five”)
Ques 14. Is there a way to apply the same formatting to every sheet in a workbook in Excel?
Yes. To do this, you will need to right click on one of the worksheet tabs and then choose Select All Sheets. After you do this any formatting that you apply or text you enter will show up on all the sheets in your workbook. In order to eliminate certain sheets from the changes, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the tab of the worksheet you want excluded from the others. You can also group sheets by holding the shift key and selecting the worksheet tab.
Ques 15. How can I identify which cells in my spreadsheet have a formula and which do not in MS Excel?
Option A:
1. Choose Edit + Go To (or press Ctrl + F5).
2. Select Special.
3. Select Formulas.
4. Click OK.
Option B:
1. Choose Tools + Options.
2. Select the View Tab
3. In Window Options choose the check box 'Formulas'.
4. Click OK
Ques 16. How can I printout the formulas in an Excel spreadsheet - rather than the results?
The trick is to change the way Excel displays the worksheet before you choose to print. Check the box Tools, Options, View, Formulas and you'll see the formulas appear in each cell (with the columns changed to fit). When you print the sheet the formulas will be printed instead of the values.
Ques 17. Is it possible to change the color and font of the sheet tabs?
Yes we can change the color of sheet tabs. By right clicking on sheet tabs and you will get option change color but i didn't find any option to change the font of sheet tabs.
Ques 18. What you could do to stop the pivot table from loosing the column width upon refreshing?
Format loss in pivot table can be stopped simply by changing the pivot table options. Under the “Pivot Table Options” turn on the “Enable Preserve Formatting” and disable “ Auto Format” option.
Ques 19. How do I find the first empty cell in column A?
If ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox 1
MsgBox Columns("A:A").Find(What:="", LookAt:=xlWhole).Row
End If
Ques 20. Which event do you use to check whether the Pivot Table is modified or not?
To check whether the pivot table is modified or not we use “PivotTableUpdate” in worksheet containing the pivot table.
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