Selenium Interview Questions and Answers
Experienced / Expert level questions & answers
Ques 1. Write a code snippet to perform right-click an element in WebDriver.
We will use Action class to generate user event like right-click an element in WebDriver.
Actions action = newActions(driver);
WebElement element = driver.findElement("elementId"));
Ques 2. Write a code snippet to perform mouse hover in WebDriver.
Actions action = newActions(driver);
WebElement element = driver.findElement("elementId"));
Ques 3. How do you perform drag and drop operation in WebDriver?
Code snippet to perform drag and drop operation:
//WebElement on which drag and drop operation needs to be performed
WebElementfromWebElement = driver.findElement(By Locator of fromWebElement);
//WebElement to which the above object is dropped
WebElementtoWebElement = driver.findElement(By Locator of toWebElement);
//Creating object of Actions class to build composite actions
Actions builder = newActions(driver);
//Building a drag and drop action
Action dragAndDrop = builder.clickAndHold(fromWebElement)
//Performing the drag and drop action
Ques 4. What are the different methods to refresh a web page in WebDriver?
There are multiple ways of refreshing a page in Webdriver.
1. Using driver.navigate command -
2. Using driver.getCurrentUrl() with driver.get() command -
3. Using driver.getCurrentUrl() with driver.navigate() command -
4. Pressing an F5 key on any textbox using the sendKeys command -
driver.findElement(By textboxLocator).sendKeys(Keys.F5);
5. Passing ascii value of the F5 key, i.e., "\uE035" using the sendKeys command -
driver.findElement(By textboxLocator).sendKeys("\uE035");
Ques 5. Write a code snippet to navigate back and forward in browser history?
Navigate back in browser history:
Navigate forward in browser history:
Ques 6. What is POM (Page Object Model)? What are its advantages?
Page Object Model is a design pattern for creating an Object directory for web UI elements. Each web page is required to have its page class. The page class is responsible for finding the WebElements in web pages and then perform operations on WebElements.
The benefits of using POM are as follows:
- It facilitates with separate operations and flows in the UI from Verification - improves code readability
- Multiple tests can use the same Object Repository because the Object Repository is independent of Test Cases.
- Reusability of code
Ques 7. How can you find if an element is displayed on the screen?
WebDriver allows user to check the visibility of the web elements. These web elements can be buttons, radio buttons, drop, checkboxes, boxes, labels etc. which are used with the following methods.
- isDisplayed()
- isSelected()
- isEnabled()
boolean buttonPresence = driver.findElement("gbqfba")).isDisplayed();
boolean buttonSelected = driver.findElement("gbqfba")).isSelected();
boolean searchIconEnabled = driver.findElement("gbqfb")).isEnabled();
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