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OrientDB Interview Questions and Answers

Test your skills through the online practice test: OrientDB Quiz Online Practice Test

Ques 1. What is OrientDB?

OrientDB is an open-source NoSQL database management system written in Java.

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Ques 2. Explain the key features of OrientDB.

Key features include multi-model support, graph database capabilities, document store, ACID transactions, and scalability.

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Ques 3. What is a document database in OrientDB?

In OrientDB, a document database stores data in the form of documents, similar to JSON or XML, and supports schema-less and schema-full modes.

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Ques 4. How does OrientDB support graph databases?

OrientDB natively supports graph databases, allowing the modeling of relationships between records using edges and vertices.

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Ques 5. Explain the concept of a vertex in OrientDB.

A vertex represents a node in a graph database, and it can have properties and be connected to other vertices through edges.

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