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Neo4j Interview Questions and Answers

Test your skills through the online practice test: Neo4j Quiz Online Practice Test

Ques 1. What is a transaction in Neo4j?

A transaction in Neo4j is a series of read and write operations executed as a single, atomic unit. Transactions ensure data integrity and consistency in the database.

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Ques 2. How does Neo4j handle ACID properties?

Neo4j ensures ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties through its transactional model, ensuring that transactions are processed reliably and with data integrity.

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Ques 3. What is the purpose of the MERGE statement in Cypher?

The MERGE statement in Cypher is used to either create a new node or relationship or match an existing one based on specified criteria. It ensures that the graph remains consistent and unique.

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Ques 4. What is the use of the WITH clause in Cypher?

The WITH clause in Cypher is used to pass the results of one part of a query to another. It helps break down complex queries into simpler, more manageable parts.

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Ques 5. How does Neo4j support indexing for better query performance?

Neo4j supports indexes on nodes and relationships, allowing for faster lookups based on specific property values. This helps optimize query performance in large graphs.

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