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Cloud Computing Interview Questions and Answers

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Ques 1. What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and use computing resources (such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software) over the internet instead of owning and maintaining them locally.

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Ques 2. Explain the three main service models of cloud computing.

The three main service models of cloud computing are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

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Ques 3. What is the difference between public, private, and hybrid clouds?

A public cloud is owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider. A private cloud is used exclusively by one organization. A hybrid cloud combines elements of both public and private clouds.

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Ques 4. Explain the concept of virtualization in cloud computing.

Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual (rather than physical) version of something, such as a server, storage device, or network resources. In cloud computing, virtualization enables the efficient use of physical resources by creating virtual instances of them.

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Ques 5. What is the role of a hypervisor in virtualization?

A hypervisor, also known as a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), is a software or hardware component that allows multiple operating systems to share a single hardware host. It manages and allocates resources to virtual machines.

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