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Teradata Interview Questions and Answers

Test your skills through the online practice test: Teradata Quiz Online Practice Test

Ques 1. What is Teradata?

Teradata is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is designed to handle large volumes of data and provide high performance in data warehousing and analytics.


SELECT * FROM employees;

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Ques 2. Explain the concept of Primary Index in Teradata.

Primary Index is used for distributing data across the AMPs (Access Module Processors) in a Teradata system. It determines the distribution of rows in a table based on the primary index value.


CREATE TABLE employee (emp_id INT, emp_name VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY INDEX (emp_id));

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Ques 3. What is the importance of the SET table in Teradata?

SET tables in Teradata eliminate duplicate rows, ensuring that each row is unique. They are useful in scenarios where you want to store distinct values.


CREATE SET TABLE unique_employees AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM employees;

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Ques 4. Explain the use of the COLLECT STATISTICS statement in Teradata.

The COLLECT STATISTICS statement is used to gather statistics on columns or indexes in a Teradata table. It helps the query optimizer make better decisions for query execution plans.


COLLECT STATISTICS COLUMN (emp_id, emp_name) ON employee;

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Ques 5. Differentiate between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in Teradata.

INNER JOIN returns only the matching rows from both tables, while LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table and the matching rows from the right table.


SELECT * FROM employees e INNER JOIN departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id;

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