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JIRA Interview Questions and Answers

Ques 1. What is JIRA and why is it used?

JIRA is a popular issue tracking and project management tool used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. It is widely used in software development to manage and track project progress.


JIRA is used to create, track, and manage issues, as well as to plan and track the progress of projects.

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Ques 2. Explain the difference between a JIRA issue and a project.

An issue in JIRA represents a task, bug, or new feature, while a project is a collection of issues. Projects help organize and manage related tasks.


In a software development project, issues could include tasks like coding, testing, and documentation, while the project encompasses all these tasks.

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Ques 3. What is a JIRA Workflow?

A JIRA Workflow is a set of statuses and transitions that an issue goes through during its lifecycle. It defines how an issue moves from creation to completion.


A simple workflow might include statuses like 'Open,' 'In Progress,' 'Resolved,' and 'Closed,' with transitions between them.

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Ques 4. How can you link issues in JIRA?

Issues in JIRA can be linked by using the 'Link' option in the issue view. There are various types of links, such as 'blocks,' 'is blocked by,' 'is duplicated by,' etc.


You can link two issues to show a relationship, such as marking one issue as blocking another.

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Ques 5. Explain the concept of Components in JIRA.

Components in JIRA are sub-sections of a project. They are used to group issues within a project based on a common feature or functionality.


In a software project, components could be 'Frontend,' 'Backend,' and 'Database,' helping to categorize and manage issues more efficiently.

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