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Vue.js Interview Questions and Answers

Test your skills through the online practice test: Vue.js Quiz Online Practice Test

Ques 1. What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable and can be easily integrated into other libraries or existing projects.

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Ques 2. Explain the Vue instance.

The Vue instance is a Vue.js object created using the Vue constructor. It serves as the root of the Vue application and provides a connection point between the application data and the DOM.

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Ques 3. What is the template in Vue.js?

The template in Vue.js is the HTML structure that defines the rendering of a component. It can include Vue-specific syntax for data binding and directives.

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Ques 4. Explain Vue directives.

Directives in Vue.js are special tokens in the markup that tell the library to do something to a DOM element. For example, v-bind is a directive used for binding an attribute to an expression.

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Ques 5. What is the Vue.js lifecycle?

The Vue.js lifecycle consists of various stages such as creation, mounting, updating, and destruction. Hooks like created, mounted, updated, and destroyed are used to perform actions at specific stages of the lifecycle.

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