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System Design Interview Questions and Answers

Ques 1. Design a URL shortening service like

The system would involve a database to store mappings of short URLs to original URLs, a front-end for user input, and a back-end to handle requests by redirecting to the original URL.


A user shortens '' to ''.

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Ques 2. Create a distributed cache system.

The system can use a consistent hashing algorithm to distribute keys across multiple cache nodes, and a mechanism to handle cache misses by fetching data from the main storage.


When a node receives a cache miss, it fetches the data from the main database and stores it in the cache for future requests.

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Ques 3. Design a chat application like WhatsApp.

The system involves a messaging server to handle real-time communication, a database to store messages, and end-to-end encryption for security.


User A sends a text message to User B, and the message is delivered in real-time.

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Ques 4. Build a content delivery network (CDN).

The system includes edge servers strategically placed worldwide to cache and deliver static content, reducing latency and improving performance.


A user in Asia requests an image, and it's served from the nearest edge server instead of the origin server.

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Ques 5. Design a scalable news feed system like Facebook's.

The system comprises a feed generation service, a storage system for user posts, and algorithms to rank and personalize the feed based on user interests.


User sees posts in their feed based on relevance and recency.

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