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SSB Interview Questions and Answers

Ques 1. Tell me about yourself.

I am [Your Name], [brief introduction about your background, education, and interests].


I am John Smith, a graduate in mechanical engineering. I am passionate about solving engineering challenges and have been involved in various projects during my academic years.

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Ques 2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths include [list of strengths], and my weaknesses include [list of weaknesses].


One of my strengths is effective communication, while a weakness I'm working on is my impatience when tasks take longer than expected.

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Ques 3. Describe a challenging situation you faced and how you handled it.

In [situation], I faced [challenge] and resolved it by [your actions].


During a group project, we faced a tight deadline. I took the initiative to organize the team, set priorities, and we successfully completed the project on time.

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Ques 4. Why do you want to join the armed forces?

I am motivated to join the armed forces because [reasons, such as patriotism, leadership, and desire to serve the nation].


I believe in the values of discipline, leadership, and service to the nation. Joining the armed forces allows me to contribute to the country's security and make a positive impact.

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Ques 5. How do you handle stress and pressure?

I handle stress by [your coping mechanisms, such as time management, delegation, or staying calm under pressure].


I manage stress by prioritizing tasks, breaking them into smaller steps, and staying focused on the immediate goals rather than getting overwhelmed by the entire situation.

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