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Active Directory Interview Questions and Answers

Ques 1. How does Active Directory handle tombstone objects?

Tombstone objects are deleted objects that are retained in Active Directory for a specific period before being permanently removed. This period is known as the tombstone lifetime. Tombstone objects help ensure proper replication of deletions across all domain controllers.


When an object is deleted, it becomes a tombstone, and all domain controllers eventually replicate the deletion to maintain consistency.

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Ques 2. Explain the purpose of the Active Directory Recycle Bin feature.

The Active Directory Recycle Bin is a feature that allows administrators to restore deleted objects, including user accounts, groups, and OUs, without the need to perform authoritative or non-authoritative restores.


If an administrator accidentally deletes an important user account, it can be easily recovered using the Active Directory Recycle Bin.

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Ques 3. What is the purpose of the Global Catalog in a multi-domain environment?

In a multi-domain environment, the Global Catalog provides a unified view of objects across all domains in the forest. It facilitates searches for objects without the need to contact each domain individually.


When searching for a user across multiple domains, the Global Catalog allows quick and efficient retrieval of information.

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Ques 4. Explain the concept of Forest Functional Levels in Active Directory.

Forest Functional Levels define the set of features and capabilities available in an Active Directory forest. By raising the forest functional level, administrators can enable new features and retire older domain controllers that do not support the selected functional level.


Raising the forest functional level might enable features like the Active Directory Recycle Bin or advanced authentication mechanisms.

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Ques 5. What is the purpose of the Site in Active Directory?

A Site in Active Directory represents a physical location in the network, such as an office or data center. Sites help optimize network traffic and replication by grouping domain controllers based on their physical proximity.


In a large organization with multiple offices, administrators can define sites to improve the efficiency of replication and authentication.

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