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Svelte.js Interview Questions and Answers

Ques 1. What is Svelte.js?

Svelte.js is a modern JavaScript framework that compiles components at build time, resulting in highly optimized and lightweight code for the browser.

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Ques 2. Explain the concept of reactivity in Svelte.

Reactivity in Svelte refers to the automatic updating of the DOM when the state of a variable changes. Svelte achieves this without the need for a virtual DOM.

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Ques 3. What is the purpose of the 'svelte:head' tag?

The 'svelte:head' tag is used to dynamically update the document head with meta tags, title, and other head elements based on the component's state.

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Ques 4. Differentiate between Svelte and other front-end frameworks like React or Vue.

Svelte compiles components to highly optimized JavaScript at build time, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and improved performance compared to traditional virtual DOM-based frameworks like React or Vue.

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Ques 5. Explain the Svelte component lifecycle.

Svelte components have a simplified lifecycle compared to other frameworks. They do not have lifecycle methods like 'componentDidMount' or 'componentWillUnmount'. Instead, Svelte components have 'onMount' and 'onDestroy' lifecycle functions.

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