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Apache Hive Interview Questions and Answers

Ques 1. What is Apache Hive?

Apache Hive is a data warehousing and SQL-like query language for Apache Hadoop.


SELECT * FROM table_name;

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Ques 2. Explain the key features of Apache Hive.

Key features include SQL-like queries (HiveQL), schema-on-read, extensibility, and scalability.

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Ques 3. Differentiate between Hive and HBase.

Hive is a data warehousing solution, whereas HBase is a NoSQL database for real-time read/write access to large datasets.

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Ques 4. What is HiveQL?

Hive Query Language (HiveQL) is a SQL-like language used to query data stored in Hive.


SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;

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Ques 5. Explain the difference between Hive and traditional relational databases.

Hive is schema-on-read, while traditional databases are schema-on-write.

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