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Azure Data Factory Interview Questions and Answers

Ques 1. What is Azure Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that allows you to create, schedule, and manage data pipelines that can move data between various supported data stores.

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Ques 2. Explain the key components of Azure Data Factory.

Key components include datasets, linked services, pipelines, activities, and data flows.

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Ques 3. What is a Linked Service in Azure Data Factory?

A Linked Service is a named connection to an external data store, such as Azure SQL Database, Azure Blob Storage, or on-premises SQL Server.

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Ques 4. How is data movement handled in Azure Data Factory?

Data movement is achieved through activities in pipelines. Activities can be copy data activities, data flow activities, or custom activities.

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Ques 5. What is the purpose of Azure Data Factory pipelines?

Pipelines define the logical flow of data and activities in Azure Data Factory. They are used to orchestrate and automate data workflows.

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