SQLite Interview Questions and Answers
Ques 1. What is SQLite?
SQLite is a relational database management system which is self-contained, server-less and need zero configuration.
SQLite is a freely available open source database provided in Android. SQLite is a lightweight and compact database that does not require any kind of server to run. It is easily integrated into any kind of mobile.
Ques 2. Who was the designer of SQLite?
SQLite was designed by D. Richard Hipp for the purpose of no administration required for operating a program.
Ques 3. What are the most important features of SQLite?
There are lots of features which make SQLite very popular:
- SQlite is free of cost.
- SQLite is server-less.
- SQLite is flexible.
- SQLite doesn't need configuration.
- SQLite is cross-platform.
- SQlite is lightweight.
Ques 4. What are the advantages of using SQLite?
SQlite has the following main advantages:
- SQLite is very light weight database.
- Data storing is very easy and efficient.
- SQlite is very easy to learn and use.
Ques 5. How would you create a database in SQLite?
In SQLite, sqlite3 command is used to create database.
sqlite3 my_database_name.db
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